2024 5 Days of Prayer for Sikhs

2024 5 Days of Prayer for Sikhs

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About 28 million people in the world identify as Sikhs. This makes Sikhism the 5th largest organized religion by population.

Most Sikhs live in India, particularly in their homeland state of Punjab, but millions have emigrated all over the
world. Wherever you live, it is likely there are Sikhs nearby - living, studying and working alongside you. The Sikh community is very friendly and welcoming. They are hard-working, value family relationships, and are generous to those within and outside their community.

As disciples of Christ, we want to share the truth we have found in Christ with the Sikh people around us and be a
reflection of His love. This longing reflects God’s heart, that all people may know His love and be reconciled to
Him through Jesus. This guide will help you, as a Christian, learn more about Sikhs and how to pray for them with
greater understanding. It will also encourage you to pray for Sikhs around the world to have the opportunity to
hear the gospel. This guide can be used to pray at any time during the year, but an especially important time
to pray is at the time of the Sikh festival, Vaisakhi, which begins April 10. Vaisakhi is a harvest festival, and we can
ask the Lord of the harvest to see much fruit during this time.